
Chief Yoga Officer (CYO)

Rose discovered yoga in a hectic part of her life living in NYC. Yoga helped her press the reset button on life. “I love that yoga has a way of bringing you back to what is important in life… focus on the simplest things that keep us going – like breathing or love.” Rose quickly realized she had a future in yoga and studied to become an instructor at Yoga Yama in Patchogue.

Rose’s Yoga Philosophy

Yoga is all about gratitude. “We have to remember to show gratitude to ourselves and others and always find something to be grateful for even in the worst situations.”

Her Beginning with The Beer Fit Club

Sophia, Beer Fit Club Founder and CEO, met Rose at one of her first Beer and Yoga events. After talking and a couple beers with Rose, she decided to check out a Yoga class with Rose. “Rose was just down with anything and was excited to expand what people thought of as yoga. She always finds ways to switch up the classes with fun new poses incorporating beer and keeping the mood fun. I love that she is always open to new possibilities”, said Sophia.

Rose loves her role as CYO for the Beer Fit Club because it makes yoga more accessible to anyone. “By incorporating beer into our practice it makes everything fun and lighthearted. It really gives people who may not think of participating in a regular yoga class the opportunity to explore something new, and the reverse side is we get to expose some yogis to great beer! “

Her Fitness Passions

Our CYO keeps herself motivated to stay fit by setting mini goals. When she’s not practicing yoga, she’s doing strength training, cardio and walking her dog Prince.

Favorite Post-Workout Beer: I’m an IPA fan so that’s usually my go to after a workout!

What no one knows about her: I was once featured on a Buzzfeed countdown article – The Duck Faces of SantaCon  (0__0)